Meeting Tom Rush

The bad things in life so often come out of left field, which is totally annoying.  When the good things do, it’s such a relief.  Last weekend, Bob and I went to see Tom Rush perform for the first time ever.  Needless to say, we were mesmerized all night.  We bought his new CD at the intermission and the guy said, “Tom will sign that for you.”  I envisioned him behind a table, protected and carefully managed.  Cool, I thought.

After the show, someone pointed and said, “Go get your CD signed.”  There had been no commotion, no sign that something special was happening.  I turned to see Tom Rush standing in the middle of the room chatting it up.  NEVER in all my concert-going years… We got in the short line and suddenly, it was our turn.  No hurry.  No forced conversation.  It was like seeing an old friend.  Maybe he’s a really good actor, but I’d bet money he just really loves his fans.  A little while later, Bob thought of something else he wished he’d said to Tom, so he walked back over to him.   I had a feeling I’d be inspired seeing Tom Rush in concert for the first time, but I had no idea.


Tom Rush

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